Saturday, September 12, 2015

Erik Leonhard
Professor Bomboy
Humanities 101
September 12, 2015
From Greece to Carlisle
            The Greeks were the some of the first pioneers of architecture. Some of the most prominent styles of modern architecture originated from Greece. If you take a look around, buildings everywhere resemble structures that were built in and around 400 BC. In my hometown of Carlisle, many buildings stem from the designs of ancient Greek architects. One building in particular that really idealizes the style of the Greeks is Carlisle United Methodist Church, located in downtown Carlisle.
            Carlisle United Methodist Church took its name in 1897; it was not built on that date however ("Our Heritage"). The actual date of construction was not stated on the CUMC website. The church stands tall on the corner of 45 South West Street in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. CUMC is a conglomerate of churches. In the spring of 2013, three local churches banned together to form the Carlisle United Methodist Church. The three churches represented three traditions: "...Evangelical, Methodist, and United Brethren..." ("Our Heritage"). Every Sunday, people flock to CUMC to worship. The church also hosts food drives, houses the homeless, and much more. The building itself is a very large structure, and it would make the Greeks proud due to its Ionic construction.
            CUMC most resembles the Ionic order (Fiero 123). The Ionic order "...was developed in Ionia on the Aegean coast of Asia Minor in the mid-sixth century BC" ("Ionic Order"). The Ionic order can be seen in the architecture of "...some of the small temples on the Acropolis." in Greece (Fiero 123). The Ionic order has many different characteristics, and each one is found in the architecture of CUMC. There are four main columns supporting the original entrance of the building' each one tapering thinner as they rise. Sitting atop each column is a volute. If you follow the column to the bottom, each one sits on a base and stylobate. Above the columns there is a beautiful frieze and atop the frieze sits the pediment with a gable style roof.
            Out of the three orders, the Ionic order was chosen over the Doric order.  The Ionic order is modeled after female proportions as compared to the Doric male proportions. The female persona is much more loving and graceful, making it a far better choice classical order-wise. A church is a loving environment, which meshes perfectly with the female-esque, Ionic proportions. Not only is the overall design of the building amazing, but also when you look more deeply into the details, the architecture and design becomes even more powerful.
            The architecture of CUMC conveys a powerful message. The large columns, topped with volutes, signify the power of the church. When the Roman emperor Constantine the Great approved Christianity, churches grew more powerful, eventually turning into a theocracy in some parts of the world. I feel that the power of the church is represented very well through the tall, mighty columns. The volutes atop the columns also play a big part in the hidden meaning behind the architecture. The volutes resemble scrolls. The scroll is significant because in ancient times, religious text was written on scrolls.  CUMC also has a cupola on the roof as well. Cupolas are found throughout many Greek churches to this day (the example above is located in Megalochori, Santorini, Greece). The design of the building was perfectly planned to fit as a place of worship and religion.

            The Ionic style greatly enhanced the building's use. Nothing is very large in Carlisle and the CUMC is huge. If you were to walk down the sidewalks, CUMC is one building that would definitely stand out. As soon as you lay eyes on the building you can immediately tell that it is a church.

Works Cited
Fiero, Gloria K., The Human Tradition. 6th Ed. Vol.1. New York: McGraw-Hill,   2011.Print.
"Ionic Order." Ionic Order. Web. 12 Sept. 2015.
"Our Heritage." Carlisle United Methodist Church PA. Web. 12 Sept. 2015.

Photo Citations
"Church Cupolas in Megalochori Village near Vedema Resort | Sand In My Suitcase."            Sand In My Suitcase. Web. 12 Sept. 2015

"Three United Methodist Churches in Carlisle to Merge." The Sentinel. 4 Mar. 2012.   Web. 12 Sept. 2015.